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Emmanuel d'Aboville Art & Bio

Emmanuel Valenzuela d’Aboville Bio -


Is a French-Filipino dual citizen, his double nationality helps him to talk about world issues, coming from two countries of highly different backgrounds he writes about ways to develop the 3rd world.

Emmanuel is a poet, philosopher, visual artist, and musician.

He advocates for peace in the world and also for the responsibility that, developed countries, have in the world at large.


He is a licensed engineer (ESMA Sudria, Paris) and has a bachelor's degree in management (de La Salle College of St Benilde, Manila). He is a certified healer in the Love Method technique. 


Having gone through schizophrenia and depression, he writes about how one can improve his life. He is convinced that heaven is a place on Earth but also a place after death, his book recent book (The Book of Life) studies religious writing to help one get there.


He is active in NGO work that protects the environment (d'Aboville Foundation Foundation) and for 3rd world relief programs (Together-Ensemble Foundation).

He writes in English, French, and Tagalog.


He is often based in Brittany, France and in Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines, with his family, where he helps manage Villa Malasimbo Resort and Demo Farm. There he plays his ukulele songs for those who visit.

With his family they plan to travel, discover and explore this big big world together.




Emmanuel studied painting and art during his youth at the Atelier of madame Legale, and did his first group exhibit 1994 at ten years old. He then got back into the arts right after graduating electrical engineering in 2010. He does self-taught carpentry. And mostly paints on paper with Pencil, Gouache and Aquarel.

He illustrates poetry and philosophical articles. He has recently exhibited in Finale Gallery, Ricco Renzo Gallery and Arte Bettina


Art provides him with hope, freedom and escape.


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Emmanuel's Poetry Blog

© In Mandala Art



Metro Manila


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