At first there was nothing
But nothing was dreaming
Nothing had an epiphany
Nothing got bored
Wanted to see a world
Something it thought is better than nothing
In a moment in eternity
A point was born
A magical spore
And Then it was ready
An explosion that became infinity
This something’s physics were solid at the core
And in this new place matter started to pour
When you think about it
Matter, Earth wind and water
Biomass life and also fire
And then Duality
Copulation for continuity
Makes a big love happy family
Open your mind
Go look and you will find
A playground so sublime
As complicated as all the stars that shine
Infinite number of singularities
I call it universe, Abraham calls it God
To the all seeing, all mighty, I bow
And So with you, I Scream it loud
I am grateful dear universe
For being part of the multiverse
Waves that we can learn to surf
Paper to draw on philosophy
An able body that can run feel and see
Oh The beautiful birds and the hard-working bees
Let me sing for you while I walk the Earth before I die
We are all like Zeus and have learnt to fly
I am grateful dear universe
For being part of this multiverse
However, big your turf, we all have our moments
Uniquely and particularly bent
And The Sound-waves that make up sweet melodies
A gigantic roda capoeira party
A sail boat to cross all the oceans and the seas
Good conversations, my dearest cup of tea
Yes now I see
The world is more magical than you may think
Every single thing that happens when you pause when you blink...
I Do my best, I'm trying to be prophetic
I've seen much of it
Not to believe all this is truly magic
If I didn’t believe in God Id still believe in this
It’s all Nothing but magic
Nothing but magic